Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hey Laaaaaaaa-dies....

I call McGuire's night, I call McGuire's night! Teresa will be in town soon, and that requires, by I believe some sort of Florida legislation recently enacted, that we go to McGuire's. Hey, it's not me, it's the law. So start planning now - let's get this date on the calender. Come on, people! This is important bonding!


Jennifer said...

Wish I were still in town!! Make sure to have a Guiness for me. :(

Jen said...

Hee...I hear the guy from Animaniacs when you say it that way. Count me in! We're guessing the best night would be after the fish fry...cuz really. Heh. Anyway-I'm there!

Teresa said...

That's already on my list of things to do! But I'm not the designated driver this time.

Teresa said...

I didn't figure out what the title of this post meant until roughly 12 hours after I read it. Think of the song "Shake it like a polaroid picture" where they sing "Hey Ya" (but it sounds like hey la, which sounds like hey laaaa), and I thought you were saying something about some song I knew nothing about dying. I even read Jen's comment and was all confused - since when did Animaniacs start quoting pop music that's after their time anyway?

Embarrassing how thick I can be sometimes.