Saturday, November 24, 2007


I do not spend enough time with my daughter. It is that simple. And since we moved, I have been neglecting her and letting her spend waaaaaay too much time in front of the television while I waddle around, getting things done. And once she's in bed, and I am done for the evening, I will zone out in front of the television, as well, since my books are still packed. And I have felt compelled to do things until I am exhausted and in pain - work long days (because we need the money), or unpack and move and shuffle (because Brian is so busy and works such long days) until my belly button hernia is throbbing, or until my back gives out on me, or until I am having painful Braxton-Hicks contractions. No more, I say, no more.

My goal is to establish a routine. I think it will be good for all of us before Little Guy makes his appearance. I don't have a concrete plan in mind - just a few things that are floating around in my head. I know I want to spend more time with her, or at least make better use of the time we have together. I know I want to turn off the television. I want to teach her to help around the house. I want to eat dinner at the table with her, every night. I need to sit down and figure out what I want and how I'm going to implement it. I need to re-read my 'Mother's Rule of Life" and actually use some of the ideas there. I'm calling myself to action. I'll let you know how it goes.

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